Listen to Ross & Rocky Lynch’s New Project The Driver Era’s First Single “Preacher Man”


Are you ready for The Driver Era?

Ross & Rocky Lynch have teamed up for a new project and their brand new single “Preacher Man” has arrived. The duo have spent the last 10 years as part of R5 but now they’re ready to show off a different side of themselves.

“The reasoning behind Driver Era was, we had been a band for about 10 years. And I just actually read this Einstein quote this morning that I thought was really interesting. It says something along the lines of “attempted failures, you do something over and over again the same way expecting it to have a different result, and it really doesn’t.” So, I think eventually, we kept doing this project and we really liked doing that project, R5, but eventually you know, as things do, it was time to evolve and change,” Ross told Idolator. “And through extensive talks and communications through the band and the label and everyone that was involved in the project, we decided that maybe it was time to do a new project. This being the creations of The Driver Era. And then since then it’s kind of been about what this project’s gonna be and how we’re gonna craft it. And really, Rocky and I’s idea is just to have, especially in a day of social media and YouTube and all this creative freedom that the internet’s created, our real main goal is to just be completely honest and expressive with our music and to just be able to share it with everyone and to be able to collaborate more with other artists that are of the likes of us and are of our age and that we agree with and to really just try to push the envelope not only for ourselves personally but as far as music goes in general. And that’s kind of what The Driver Era is standing on right now.”

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There’s a lot ahead for The Driver Era including the video for “Preacher Man” and some more singles. Ross also recently landed the role of Harvey Kinkle in Netflix’s “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” reboot.

Listen to “Preacher Man” below and get it on iTunes here.