“Teen Wolf’s” Cody Saintgnue, Sammi Sanchez & Sweet Suspense Celebrate “Be Kind to Animals Week”


cody-sweetsuspense-sami-051115What happens when you put Cody Saintgnue & Sweet Suspense with some puppies? A whole lot of adorableness!

The “Teen Wolf” star and girl group were joined by singer Sammi Sanchez to help the American Humane Association celebrate the 100 year anniversary of its “Be Kind to Animals Week” in connection with Crown Media Family Networks on Wednesday, May 6th. Crown Media introduced their furriest four-legged ambassador “Happy” the Dog to the teen stars and other attendees, in an attempt to raise awareness of the plight of millions of animals that are stray or in shelters and in need of rescue/adoption. “Happy” the Dog was rescued and adopted last year by President and CEO, Bill Abbott. Attendees were also able to meet some furry and feathered friends including a beaver, screech owl and penguins, who reminded us why we love animals.

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Join us and show your support by taking the Kindness 100 pledge to protect animals all year-round at Kindness100.org!

Also, Cody stars in Sammi Sanchez’s new music video for “Talk”! Watch it below.

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