Exclusive: Heffron Drive Discuss ‘Happy Mistakes: Unplugged’ & Working with Logan Henderson


heffrondrive-interview-050415Have you picked up Heffron Drive’s new Happy Mistakes: Unplugged album yet? If not, what are you waiting for?!

Heffron Drive, aka Kendall Schmidt & Dustin Belt, released their album Happy Mistakes, in September 2014 and now they’ve followed it up with an unplugged version and it’s just as good, if not better. The album dropped last week and you can get it on iTunes HERE.

To celebrate the release, the duo hit the stage at The Mint in Los Angeles for a fun concert. They played all the tracks from the album including “Passing Time” which features their pal Logan Henderson. We caught up with Kendall & Dustin before the show to talk about all things Happy Mistakes: Unplugged, their own happy mistakes and more.

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Watch the full interview below.

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