Listen to Zayn Malik’s First Song Sans One Direction “I Won’t Mind,” Plus Louis Tomlinson vs Naughty Boy


zaynmalik-naughtyboy-033015Well, that didn’t take much time.

Zayn Malik has yet to change his display name on twitter from zaynmalik1D, but he’s found time to start on his solo career. In his first interview given last week, Zayn told the Sun. “I’m just going to write and relax and chill…[I’ve] never felt more in control in my life. And I feel like I’m doing what’s right, and right by myself and right by the boys, so I feel good.”

So what is his solo career going to be like? Well, producer Naughty Boy is giving us a taste. He took to twitter today to post a demo of a song he did with Zayn called “I Won’t Mind.” He captioned the tweet with “let the music do the talking guys. thank us later. 🙂 x.”

Take a listen:

This comes after Naughty Boy had a twitter fight with Louis Tomlinson. Naughty Boy tweeted out a video that sang “Naughty Boy saved my life Zaughty” in which Zaughty is of course a mashup of Naughty and Zayn. Let’s just say fans and Louis didn’t take well to the tweet.

Naughty Boy: @louis_tomlinson calm down. was talkin bout Louis Walsh cuz he didn’t let someone through on X factor. Look @ the date of the tweet. #2014

So what do you think of Zayn’s solo song? How about the fight between Naughty Boy and Louis? Sound off in the comments!

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