Justin Bieber Surprises Crowd On Stage at Ariana Grande’s Concert – Watch!


justinbieber-arianagrande-032915Fans in attendance at Ariana Grande’s Honeymoon Tour stop in Miami were in for a treat. Justin Bieber was in the house!

It’s been a while since we’ve see Justin in concert. Sure, he’s done a few pop up shows and benefits, but we miss our Biebs in full on concert setting. He’ll be playing the Fusion Festival in the UK soon, so his appearance with Ariana gave Beliebers a little taste of what they’ve been missing.

Justin joined Ariana on stage for a few tracks including “Love Me Harder” and Justin’s songs “As Long As You Love Me,” and “All That Matters.”

What do you think of Justin & Ariana’s collaboration? Can they please hit the studio for real soon?

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Had fun with u Ariana, even tho I forgot all the words haha

A photo posted by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on