Taylor Swift Defends Her Lyrics Plus “Welcome to New York” Song Preview


taylorswift-newyork-102014It’s Monday which means another sneak peek from Taylor Swift’s album, 1989!

Taylor previewed the funky new track “Welcome to New York” on Good Morning America and the song will be available worldwide at midnight tonight. The song talks about Taylor’s big move to New York City and the lyrics for the snippet go “Searching for a sound we hadn’t heard before / and I said welcome to New York / it’s been waiting for you / welcome to New York welcome to New York / welcome to New York / it’s been waiting for you / welcome to New York / it’s a new soundtrack / I could dance to this beat / forevermore.”

The song is the first track off of 1989 and Taylor said she wanted to start the album with this track because “New York has been an important landscape and location for the story of my life the last couple of years. I dreamt of moving to New York, I obsessed over moving to New York and then I did it. The inspiration I found in that city is kind of hard to describe and to compare to any other force of inspiration in my life.”

While this song isn’t about Taylor’s much talked about love life, she does have quite a few songs on her albums about her past loves, which normally doesn’t seem uncommon, but for Taylor, it’s what the media loves to pick apart about her. If you think about it, she writes no more heartbreak or love songs than the next artist you love. So what does Taylor think about all this?

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She recently told Australia’s 2DayFM, “I think as a songwriter you have your fans who have been keeping up with your music since before you were known. My first album came out when I was 16 and I would write about my life as I saw it, as I felt it. Then what happens is, as you get more successful, which you’re lucky if that happens, you have more and more people paying attention to what you’re doing and you’ve been doing it the same way your entire career as a songwriter but all of a sudden the perspective has changed. They use kind of you writing songs about your life as a way of playing detective…You’ll have people who are gonna say oh you know she just writes songs about her ex boyfriends and frankly I think that’s a very sexist angle to take. No one says that about Ed Sheeran, no one says that about Bruno Mars. They’re all writing songs about their exes, their current girlfriends, their love lives and no one’s raising any red flags there.”

We have to agree with Taylor! You go girl.

Listen to Taylor’s “Welcome to New York” preview below and watch her full 2Day FM interview. Taylor also performed “Shake It Off” on The X Factor Australia.