Ansel Elgort Gets a Makeover to Prank Jimmy Kimmel’s Niece


anselelgort-prank-101614Ansel Elgort has starred in some big dramas but did you know he is also hilarious?

The Men, Women & Children star recently helped Jimmy Kimmel prank his niece and thankfully, it was all caught on tape! Jimmy’s niece is a huge The Fault In Our Stars fan and her favorite actor happens to be Ansel. In addition, she loves to do makeup tutorials so Ansel posed as a makeup artist to give her a Halloween makeover.

Ansel himself was disguised in some cool lion makeup and his German accent for the bit is hilarious. Throughout the prank, Ansel tries to convince Allison that Ansel is mean and she should pick a new favorite actor.

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How does the prank end? With an adorable reveal of course. Watch the whole thing below. Which celebrity would you love to have prank you?