Fifth Harmony Unveil “Reflection” Cover Art & Set to Perform at VMA Pre-Show


fifthharmony-reflection-081214How amazing do the ladies of Fifth Harmony look in their new cover art for their upcoming album? So good!

The group’s first album will be titled Reflection, which is also the name of one of the new songs that they’ve been singing on tour. We love the attitude and feel of the cover art and it definitely fits the personality of the girls and their music.

Fifth Harmony will get to show off their attitude and pipes at the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards later this month. Normani, Dinah, Camila, Ally and Lauren will be performing their single “BOSS” during the pre-show and we can’t wait. If you want to dance along, watch their tutorial below.

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The girls also just launched their clothing line at Wet Seal and celebrated with a Q&A and performance in Sherman Oaks. Watch the video below.

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