Brenton Thwaites Gives a Family the Surprise of a Lifetime


brentonthwaites-surprise-080814As if we needed another reason to love Breonton Thwaites.

To promote the upcoming movie The Giver, people have been given the opportunity of a lifetime to experience some firsts that they might not have been able to otherwise. From going to the ocean for the first time or a first concert, each story has been captured on film, and they’re beautiful.

The latest surprise follows David, a man who had a troubled past who has turned his life around and wants to start his own organic garden business. He also wants his kids to experience nature and fall in love with it the way he did. The only thing is, his business can’t grown like it should because he doesn’t have a car. He was given an awesome camping trip with his family and on their way back, they were met with a surprise from The Giver star Brenton Thwaites.

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Watch the touching video below and be sure to see The Giver in theaters August 15. Also check out pics of Brenton & Odeya Rush at a signing in Cherry Hill, NJ this week.

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