Did you know Joe Jonas could drive you around Los Angeles?
Yesterday, Joe tweeted out a link to imnotjoejonasjustkiddingiam.com which made us all curious. The webpage was all black and contained a single video titled “Your Next Driver.” Upon clicking the video, we got to see Joe driving a sweet black and red Mini Paceman. However, he wasn’t just cruising around for fun. Joe is actually now a certified Uber driver and the video documents what happened when he drover around some lucky people.
We definitely think Joe would be a fun chauffeur which got us thinking…what other celebs would we love to have as our Uber driver? Here’s our list…
1. Jennifer Lawrence – Who doesn’t want JLaw to be their bff? We never know what to expect when we watch a Jennifer interview or see her walk the red carpet at an event. That being said, who knows that kind of stories she’d tell you as she takes you to get ice cream or a late night snack.
2. Emma Thompson – She’s basically what we imagine Jennifer Lawrence will be like when she gets older. Emma is classy but also wild and knows how to have a good time. Did you see her when she presented at the Golden Globes? Also, she’d be able to recite you Jane Austen, Shakespeare and more.
3. Liam Neeson You will definitely be safe with the Taken star at the wheel. If someone tries to carjack you or kidnap you, Liam will most likely “find them” and he will “kill” them. Okay, maybe that’s a little extreme but you will definitely be safe.
4. Anna Kendrick Basically, this is the same reasoning as Jennifer Lawrence above, but Anna can sing. That’s right, not only will she entertain you with her sarcasm and wit, but we have a feeling that there will be some sing-a-longs happening once the ride starts. Maybe while we’re on our way to the party, Anna can also give us some twitter tips. She basically dominates the twitter game. If you haven’t read her twitter, go there NOW!
5. Zac Efron Zac makes the list because…well, who wouldn’t want to be stuck in a car with Zac Efron. We might just forget where we’re going so we can ride with him a little longer. Do you think he’ll care if we belt out some High School Musical or Hairspray to pass the time?
6. Jimmy Fallon Jimmy would definitely make your commute fun. Have you seen “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon”? We could listen to him tell us jokes all day…or maybe stories about his bromance with Justin Timberlake. We would also just pick his brain on how he comes up with all the amazing bits on his show. Box of Lies? Battleshot? All genius!
7. Nick Jonas Well…if Joe Jonas can do it, so can Nick! Nick has great taste in cars, so you’d be sure to be rolling around the city in style. We would definitely request his Mustang. That car is amazing! Nick is busy buffing up for his role in “Navy St.” so if he needed to do some curls while driving, we wouldn’t mind. Plus, maybe for an extra tip he could give us a little serenade.
8. Channing Tatum Channing is basically Zac, Jimmy and Liam rolled into one. He’s hot, he’s funny, and he has the muscles to keep you safe if anything goes wrong. Channing & his wife Jenna are the cutest couple ever so you know he’d be a gentlemanly driver plus we could grill him for details on Magic Mike 2…and maybe as if they need extras.
9. Vin Diesel Vin rose to fame thanks to The Fast & The Furious franchise so he’s definitely the driver you want if you need to get somewhere in a hurry. We have a feeling he’d be able to get out of a ticket just in case the cops actually caught up to you. Also, fingers crossed the soundtrack to the ride would be Beyonce so he could get his groove on.
Who would you want as your Uber driver?