Demi Lovato rocks her blue hair on the cover of NYLON Magazine’s January 2014 issue.
Demi rocks a funky furry coat along with a palm tree tee and a plaid shirt around her waste on the cover along with the headline, “It was hard to listen to the word ‘no.'” Check out some highlights from the issue.
On Multitasking:
“I look at my life and think, ‘There’s not enough time.’ I co-directed my last two videos, and I have this dream of being behind the camera and one day directing my own movie. I want to host my own show and be a younger Oprah. I want to write songs for other artists. I want to be an author. I want my own makeup line, and my own skincare line. I want to do a lot more philanthropy work, and for a while there I thought I wanted to go to law school.”
On Staying Honest With Fans:
“When I went into rehab, I deleted my Twitter…I didn’t want to force anything. My parents came to visit, and I asked if people knew yet, and they said, ‘Yeah, it’s everywhere.’ And they were like, ‘How do you want to handle this? We can say it’s a personal time and we don’t have to tell them what you’re in here for, or we can just be 100 percent honest and show them that you can get through it and other people can get through it, too.'”
On Finding Her Own Look:
“When I was on the Disney Channel, I wanted to get my nose pierced in the middle, so that I could flip it up during filming, and flip it down at night to let the wild child side come out. Turns out, I didn’t need the nose ring.”
For more, go here and be sure to pick up the issue on newsstands now.
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