Jonas Brothers Discuss Breakup on GMA – Will Release Four Songs & Live Recordings for Fans


jonasbrothers-gma-103013Yesterday was a sad day for Jonas Brothers fans as they officially announced their split to People Magazine.

Today, the group sat down with Robin Roberts for an exclusive interview on Good Morning America to go more in depth on the decision to call it quits for now. They also revealed that fans will still be getting some music, though!

Nick explained that he is the one who initiated the talk. “We’re family first and that’s always been our main priority and so honesty within what we do as a group was really important. I came to the table with the guys…and shared my heart with them and my feelings.”

“I said, ‘Look, I feel like we’ve had some complications within the group for a long time [and] without addressing them I think this train will fall off the tracks,” Nick said. “It was a tough conversation. It was the first time we really had that real conversation.”

Joe went on to talk about the “deep rift” over creative differences the band was suffering from. “It was just individual things that we were just butting heads about, whether it was the way to set up the music video or even just personal opportunities,” Joe said. “At some point we decided it was best to finish this and support each other on our own ventures along the way.”

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Fans have been upset ever since the news was just a rumor, but Kevin assured they will be releasing music for their dedicated fans. “We’re going to release four of the unreleased songs from the album,” Kevin said. “And we put together the live tracks from the last summer tour – about 10 songs as well – so we’ll be giving that to our fans club members, as a gift from us.”

“I think that we have the best fans in the world and have for our entire career so we thank them for that and thank them for really understanding,” added Nick. “I think we’re really in a season right now of being excited about the future but also there’s a certain heaviness that comes with closing a chapter.”

Watch the full interview below to find out what each of the bros is planning to do next. What four songs do you hope the Jonas Brothers release as their last hurrah?

Relive our interviews with the Jonas Brothers here.

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Listen to more Nick & Joe interviews here and here.