Dove Cameron & Toby Sebastian Join Hailee Steinfeld in ‘Barely Lethal’


barelylethalHailee Steinfeld will be joined by two up-and-comers in her new movie Barely Lethal.

According to THR, “Liv & Maddie” star Dove Cameron and musician Toby Sebastian will be joining the film which revolves around a 16-year-old (Hailee Steinfeld) trained assassin who runs away to lead a normal high-school life, only to discover that fitting in isn’t as easy as she might have hoped.

Dove will play Liz Larson, the Queen Bee of the high school. Steinfeld’s character Meghan moves in with Liz, and they become best friends. Liz helps Meghan acclimate to school, and comes to her aid then things get tough.

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Toby will play Cash Fenton, the lead singer in a local band who becomes a love interest for Steinfeld’s character.

Sounds like a fun movie! Samuel L Jackson & Jessica Alba also star.