Taylor Swift On Set of ‘The Giver’ with Cameron Monaghan & Opens Up to InStyle About Life at 30 & Relationship Advice


taylorswift-thegiver-101913Cameron Monaghan is a lucky guy as he squeezes in between his co-stars Taylor Swift & Odeya Rush on the set of The Giver.

The cast have been filming in South Africa for a few weeks and it looks like Taylor just arrived to begin filming her scenes as Rosemary. Odeya posted a cute photo of the two with the caption: This one ❤. @taylorswift13 #fionaandrosemaryunite #thegiver.”

Producer Nikki Silver also posted that the cast have been filming some very emotional scenes:

We cannot wait to see Taylor take on a different type of acting role than we’re used too, plus, we loved the book growing up! The Giver stars Brenton Thwaites, Jeff Bridges, Meryl Streep, Monaghan, Rush & Swift.

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In addition, we have more excerpts from Taylor’s cover feature for InStyle Magazine. The issue is on newsstands now. These tidbits didn’t actually make it into the cover story!

1. Fave song to sing on tour: “‘Trouble.’ It was the furthest thing people expected on this album, and I loved making something that sounded like nothing I had done before.”

2. Coolest celeb she’s met at an awards show: “Mick Jagger. He was such gentleman. We met and then he asked me to sing with The Rolling Stones in Chicago.”

3. Best relationship advice you’ve given to a friend: “Actually, I think you have to know that whatever advice you give, they may not take it. The priority should be on keeping the friendship rather than giving the best advice. Your best advice is usually, ‘Walk away from him! Tell him you never want to see him again!’ But if you are dealing with someone still in love, nothing you say can change their feelings. All you can do is be there for them and pick them up every time they get hurt. Until, that is, they are ready to move on for themselves.”

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4. Fashion style she tries to avoid: “Pencil skirts. It’s a weird look for me.”

5. What life will look like at 30: “I envision a lot of coziness and warmth. I don’t know where I stand on family and kids right now because I can’t picture things without all the pieces of the puzzle. I don’t even have a semblance of an idea of a boyfriend right now. I don’t even have a mental daydream of who he would be. And who that person is determines what the rest of the puzzle looks like.”

6. Last time she cried: “Have you ever seen that commercial for Dawn with the baby ducks with oil all over them from a spill, and they get baths using Dawn? And then they are set free? And they do the same thing with some otters. I cried hysterically!”

7. Last time she was blissfully happy: “The other day. I was with friends, paddle boarding out in a harbor. We were laying out on our boards and talking. It was a beautiful day.”