Spencer and Toby Hunt for Red Coat and Emily Runs Into Mrs DiLaurentis – New PLL Clips!


pllclips-051413Season 4 of “Pretty Little Liars” is nearing and we have another sneak peek for you!

We have three new clips from the season premiere and it looks like lots of drama is ahead!

In the first clip we see Hanna & Emily chatting in Emily’s room. Looks like Hanna is keeping a close eye on Mona as the girls will now have to be on the same team. The second clip shows Toby & Spencer wondering around the burned down country club looking for clues as to who red coat is.

In the last clip, we see Emily outside of the DiLaurentis house where she runs into Allison’s mom who has moved back and we learn that Jason is down South with his grandparents. Hmmm, so just who is in the trunk of that car?

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Check out all the clips below and be sure to tune in June 11 on ABC Family!