“Pretty Little Liars” sure knows how to cast the hot guys!
Step Up: Revolution star Ryan Guzman is the latest guy to be heading to Rosewood ETOnline has learned. He will guest star in episode 2 as Jake, Aria’s patient, insightful and sensitive martial arts instructor.
Hmmmm, so it looks like Aria is going to toughen up…maybe so she’s prepared to take on A? And since Aria & Ezra have broken up, could Jake be a possible new love interest? Even though he’s only mentioned to be in episode 2, we have a feeling he has a good chance of being asked back for more.
Ryan tweeted, “Just got the news. I got a new role on @ABCFpll . Start filming next week. Feel blessed to be continuously working on new things..Its gunna be interesting teachin @lucyhale martial arts for our scenes. Let’s see if I can get her to do a judo hip throw.”
Update: TVGuide has learned that Sean Faris will also be joining the show. He will recur as Pennsylvania state police officer Gabriel Holbrook. Lets hope he isn’t as creepy as Officer Wilden.
“Pretty Little Liars” season 4 premieres Tuesday, June 11th, at 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. ET/PT.