Selena Gomez Talks “Fun Dance Album” and ‘Spring Breakers’


selenagomez-tvint-030713Selena Gomez is gearing up for a big year. Not only does she have a new album expected to drop, but she has a few movies releasing including Spring Breakers and the “Wizards of Waverly Place” reunion special!

The 20-year-old recently caught up with Teen Vogue where she dished on just what we’ll hear with the new album. “It is so much fun. I made a huge fun dance record that I’m so proud of. I got to record twenty or so great songs and work with a bunch of different producers and they’re all really fun, pop songs; a little Ellie Goulding-ish, a little island-y feel. It’s a really fun pop record. I’m super stoked for it. It’s kind of been hush-hush about it and I’m excited for the single to come out and for my fans to hear it.”

Wow, definitely sounds like it will be different from the albums we’ve hear from her in the past. The first single is set for an April release. We can’t wait! Something else that will be different for Sel is her role in the buzzed about Spring Breakers.

Selena explained why it was important for her to take on such a challenging role saying, “I wanted to make sure that the project I did after my show ended was the right one for me. Getting a script from Harmony Korine and working with a director like him was a really incredible opportunity. I learned so much. It started as a little indie movie, so I’m really proud of it. And being able to experience that with three other girls was great. It was a really important time in my life and I’m really thankful for it.”

And does she relate to her character at all? “I feel like the baby of the group and my character was the baby of the group as well,” she shared. “So in that way, I do relate to it. I did look at the girls as older sisters. They were super sweet and protective over me just as they were to the character. That was organic. But she’s a little bit more timid and naïve than I would say I am.”

Read the full interview here. Be sure to catch Spring Breakers when it opens in NY/LA March 15 and wider release March 25. “The Wizards Return: Alex vs Alex” also premieres on the Disney Channel March 15.