Justin Bieber just turned 19 yesterday, but it looks like he didn’t get the birthday he hoped for.
The Biebs was set to have a crazy bash at London Club Cirque Du Soir but his evening was cut short prompting him to tweet out “Worst birthday.” According to E!, Justin’s party had an argument with security of the club due to some of Justin’s entourage (Jaden Smith, Ella-Paige Roberts Clarke) being under 18.
Justin followed up his rough night with a sold out show in Nottingham for his Believe tour. It looks like a worldwide trending topic and the love of his fans helped cheer him up. He wrote, “Nottingham thanks for being there for me to tonight. Love u. #BELIEVEtour I see and saw all the posts from around the world. U got me smiling. Love u. Thank u.”
Happy belated birthday Justin! Click inside for more pics as well as his performance for Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day.
Update: Justin has responded to the rumors that he was kicked out of the club on his birthday for bringing minors with him. He instagrammed a photo and wrote, “The funny moment when people believe I brought underage people to a club.. U think Will is letting his 14 year old in a club, I don’t think so.. 2nd I love how the club wanted to give the press another reason to why we didn’t stay at their weak ass club so they wouldn’t look bad for me walking in and right back out..i said m “worst bday” but that was due to dummies pushing over my fans and being overly aggressive. Btw it wasn’t the worst bday cuz all my friends from back home flew in I was just mad in the moment.”
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