Rejoice Jonas Brothers fans! It looks like their long-awaited album is officially done…now we just patiently await a release date.
Celebuzz recently spoke with Kevin Jonas and his wife Danielle about the USPS’ Sealed with Love campaign and squeezed in a few questions about the Jonas Brothers’ upcoming album.
“The new album is finally done, and we are so excited,” Kevin said. “We wanted to take a little extra time on it to make sure it was right and we’ve been working for almost a year now on it.”
Kevin, Nick & Joe have each grown so much in the past three years and we will definitely get to hear that on the new album. “I’m in a completely different place than I was when we wrote our last album three years ago…I’ve been through a lot, so much good. And I’ve learned a lot about Danielle and…I’ve really grown as a person, too. I was very excited to put that into music.”
We know we can’t wait for the new album. What songs do you think will be on it? We know that they recorded new stuff like “Wedding Bells” and maybe fans in South America will get a preview when the guys kick off their tour later this month.