Vanity Fair just released their March 2013 issue which features their 19th Hollywood Portfolio.
We gave you a sneak peek behind-the-scenes of the portfolio shot by famed photographer Bruce Weber and now we have some scans from the magazine to share!
Weber shot over 75 celebrities for the portfolio including one rather large celebrity…Tai the Elephant! Some of the stars featured include Liam Hemsworth, Samantha Barks, Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Eddie Redmayne, Sam Claflin, Chris Zylka, Shailene Woodley, Max Irons, Dokota & Elle Fanning, Abigail Breslin, Hailee Steinfeld, Alice Englert, Ezra Miller, Jeremy Irvine, Garrett Hedlund, and many more.
Check out scans of the above stars’ photos inside. Be sure to pick up a copy on newsstands now! Be sure to tune into CBS on February 23 for an inside look at the making of the issue.
Watch some behind-the-scenes video HERE.
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