Emma Stone Talks Ryan Gosling, Taylor Swift and More in ‘Interview’ Magazine


Emma Stone goes futuristic in her new spread for Interview magazine.

In the mag, Emma sat down for a chat with one of her inspirations, director Cameron Crowe, to talk about everything from Ryan Gosling to Taylor Swift to not seeing her breakout hit Easy A.

On friend Taylor Swift & acting vs. singing: Taylor is a musician who does things under her own name and tells her own stories—her songs and her albums are her. Whereas I’m playing characters, so that kind of authenticity of self in this job is a little bit different. A lot of times I feel like people come up to me because they think I’m like my character in Easy A, or because they’ve seen me in interviews, but really what they’re a fan of is a movie or a character.

On opening up more to the public: I don’t think that I’ve been deft at hiding parts of my personality. I have not mentioned parts of my life, for sure—although I have talked about my childhood more now and anxiety and that side of myself. I don’t think that people would expect that I would have panic attacks . . . Or I don’t know if they would, because I don’t know what people expect of me. I have no idea.

On not seeing Easy A: Oh, god, I was a wreck during that. I didn’t sleep much. I remember the day I wrapped Easy A. Getting into the car as the sun was coming up because it had been a night shoot . . . It felt like a house had been lifted off of me. I felt a great deal of pressure making that movie, because in my personal life at the time, too, things were just . . . It was like a hurricane. I’ve still never seen it.

On working with Ryan Gosling: Most of those things [in Crazy, Stupid, Love] are true—like, I actually won the spelling bee when I was 8 and my dad cried, and I do a Lauren Bacall impression. Ryan really has bought most of those things from infomercials. So we were just laughing at each other and talking. The directors just gave us a day to hang out.

I just really like hearing his viewpoint because I know that it’s never going to be tainted. He’s very much his own person. It has really just been scripts so far, because I only met him two years ago when we did ‘Crazy, Stupid, Love,’ but it was like meeting a member of your team or something. I really like his brain.

Be sure to pick up Emma’s issue for the full interview!

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