Kristen Stewart: Face of Balenciaga Paris’ Florabotanica Fragrance


Check out Kristen Stewart’s new ad for Balenciaga Paris’ new fragrance, Florabotanica.

If you’re a fan of KStew, then you already know she’s a big fan of Balenciaga, so she was happy to become a part of this new campaign. She told WWD, “I’m very lucky that I like the fragrance, because I would have done anything with [Balenciaga designer Nicolas Ghesquière], and I’m a terrible liar.”

So what does she really think of the fragrance? “There is something natural about it,” she explained. “It’s very alive. I think that as a young person wearing it — considering that I’ve never worn a scent — it kind of puts you on this level of, like, ‘Whoa, check me out.’ ”

To read more of Kristen’s interview, go here.

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