-Tonight’s filming of “Hannah Montana” had a special viewing audience: military families!
The inspiring episode presents the unifying theme of “celebrate your family” which is a recurring attribute in Disney Channel programming. Many of the young guests at the live taping tonight, many of whom have deployed parents, were invited to appear in the episode and videotaped greetings to their parents. The episode is scheduled to air this August.
Also in the audience was Madison Pettis, whose brother just returned from serving in Iraq. Madison has done a lot of work with the USO and other charities. You can even purchase a special primp Girl hoodie & t-shirt she designed to raise money for the USO.
Madison was excited for the taping today and tweeted: As you know, my brother just returned from a year of duty in Iraq. I can’t wait to meet all the military families today at the taping! So honored to be a part of the very special taping of Hannah Montana! Thanks Disney Channel!
We can’t wait to see the episode!