-Have you seen Miley Cyrus’ latest video for Miley World? Want to score a pair of PJ pants just like Miley’s? Miley is wearing a pair of “Woodstock” PJ’s from beeposh.com.
Courtesy of Beeposh & T2PR, we are giving away a pair of PJ pants. All you have to do is comment here, fill in your first name and email in the proper fields of the comment form and in the comment area, let us know what your favorite thing about Miley is!
Contest closes June 23rd. Winner will be chosen at random and notified by e-mail. Contest Closed. Congrats to Alicia F!
My favorite thing about Miley is that she’s so real. You can feel like one of her friends just by watching her, listening to her music, talking to her on Twitter, or reading her book. I read her book “Miles To Go” and she can really write and it made me feel like I really knew her personally. I think everyone should read it too. And I love her music. She is so talented. She can really write songs. I love her album “Breakout”. And “Hannah Montana” is such a funny show. She’s a great actress and I love “Hannah Montana: The Movie”. So dramatic and funny at different times. Can’t wait to see “The Last Song”.
My favorite thing about Miley is that she is such an amazing person. She has this confidence about her that I absolutely admire.
My favorite thing about Miley is she is so down-to-earth and speaks her mind. One her twitter she clears up almost any rumors. She is so inspirational. Her music is something you can relate to. She is really funny. She is such a great actress and artist.
My favorite thing about Miley is that she acts like a real human being, not a stuck up celebrity. With her twitter you know she writes it all herself and doesn’t have her manager or whatever write it for her. Same with her Youtube videos. I feel like she’s just like another normal girl hanging out with her friends. She’s also got GREAT style.
My favorite thing about Miley is that she is down-to-earth and doesn’t get caught up in the whole glitz and glamour of the Hollywood scene. I have yet to meet her, but ever since I knew about her I have felt like she was one of my best friends. She’s an amazing real girl with a whole lot of talent and I’m so proud of how far she’s gone.
My favorite thing about Miley is her attitude. She doesn’t feel the need to become someone else, and she doesn’t break under the media spotlight. She uses Twitter, MileyWorld, and more in order to connect with her fans, and she’s constantly genuine. She’s sweet to everyone, and really wants to be a good role model for her fans.
My favorite thing about Miley is that she is real, and true to herself. She goes into the world, trying not to care about what people say about her. She is also a good role model in my opinion. When her “racy pictures” were leaked last year, she kept a good face, and went out and apologized to everyone about it. She was the bigger person, and didn’t lie and say “it’s not me”. She’s just a kid, and everyone messes up sometimes, but she apologized for her mistakes. Miley is also super nice to her fans, and is just an awesome person. She seems really approchable, and like she’s be a nice friend. Also, her music is really great and she is an awesome actress. 🙂
Miley rocks. ! 😀 <3
Oh what to say about Miley. Besides the fact that she is Amazingg…..She makes me wish i were 16 and on disney channel. She seems like she is a really awesome friend and family member. She puts all her effort into whatever she does.
My favorite thing about miley is that she always has a smile on her face even when the world around her seems to be crazy and out of control she never lets you see her down and out about it which it !
My favorite thing about miley is that she always has a smile on her face even when the world around her seems to be crazy and out of control she never lets you see her down and out about it which it is awesome to see that !
please ignore my other comment by mistake I left out some stuff sorry about that
My favorite thing about Miley is that she is always herself. She is not trying to be someone else. She works hard for what she wants and she doesn’t care about what others say about her.
What i love about Miley is that she’s a total sweetheart. I’ve been a fan ever since her show started. She’s been an incredible role model for kids and teens and I think she will still be at the top in the future. She has an amazing voice and she ALWAYS have someone by her side. Whenever she’s in trouble, she has her family, friends, but most of all she has us, THE FANS. She’s always true to her heart and true to herself.
My fave thing about Miley is that she loves the same things that I love.She loves animals,dancing,music,acting,life,helping out the planet,and as much as it kills me,she loves the JoBros but feels specially for one =[
the thing i like most is her dedication to helping out the planet.!!!
my favorite thing about Miley is that she is real, and she doesn’t act like she is a big popstar diva. I feel like I can actually relate to her and I love that about her. Plus she’s so pretty, and amazingly talented. But I am jealous of her relationship with Nick cause I love him <3
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My favorite about Miley is that she is soo nice with everyone !! she loves her fans !! I’m reading her book right now and she’s been through a lot !!! So yeah ! she’s adorable and amazing ! I LOVE MILEY !!!!!!!! She’s my idol ! =D
miley with acting is amazing its always like miley is talking to ba friend belive me when i act i mumble. anyway milets is awesome when i saw her at her birthday i felt like i really know her because i always whatch her on T.V. i agree with her my pajamas are always cozy!!!!!!! i am a futere actress and singer and before i forget, when ever people say mean stuff about her, i tell them to shut up thats not true so thats what i say. another thing i love about miley is she is always nice to her sissters and brothers and shes not this stuck up rich kid but shes someone. so i hoped you like this paragraph i can right more but i talk to much so i wont !
i love miley!!!!!!!!!!!
hi again i just wanted to say i love miley again
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