Honor Society & Meaghan Martin Super Sweet in Vegas


SO-M reader Toree had the chance to meet both Honor Society and Meaghan Martin at Kidz Mix in Las Vegas last month.

On meeting Honor Society: Meeting Honor Society was AMAZiNG! When they were doing sound check i was recording and Michael waved to my camera! It was awesome!!! Later when i met them, I guess Michael accidentily hit me but i didnt feel a thing. Haha. All i heard is him Saying “I’m So Sorry” I just laughed it off and he smiled *sigh* My camera was on video mode and my mom didnt know how to switch it to picture mode so Andrew and Jason kept on pointing and saying “Video mode! Video mode!” it was hilarious! I got to stay in between Jason and Michael JUST a little bit longer! haha but it was the best!!!!

On meeting Meaghan Martin: Meaghan Martin is so awesome! When i reached her the 1st thing i said to her is “Will you sign my yearbook?” She laughed and of course signed it. She wrote “KIT HAGS” which means “keep in touch, have a great summer” it took me a while to figure it out LOL. I wonder if she was serious about keeping in touch? haha that would be awesome! But i got a picture and a hug! She is really sweet. Then her dad came to me and we chatted for a while. He told me that he used to go to the middle school i go now! Orr Middle School! it was pretty awesome and He was funny! I hope to meet them again(:

Have you ever had the “video mode” happen to you when trying to take a picture? You can send in your fan encounters to either tipsatsom@gmail.com or shineonmedia@gmail.com.