–Miley Cyrus looks gorgeous in the new May issue of Glamour magazine. Miley covers the popular women’s magazine and she talks about everything from learning from her mistakes to Justin to her role models. Check out some of it below:
GLAMOUR: OK, so I’m sitting here, eating sushi with you, and I have to say, you seem like a totally normal young woman! How is this possible?
MILEY CYRUS: [Laughs.] I think at some point during everyone’s life, you finally figure yourself out. I haven’t even done that yet. I’m still learning who I am.
GLAMOUR: So what are some lessons you’ve learned from your mistakes?
MC: I’ve learned how to respect myself and how to say no. I’ve learned who I can really trust. I have 200 or 300 friends, but I probably trust four. When I read something in the tabloids and it’s from an “insider,” I want to know who thinks they’re on the “inside.” Because I can count on one hand the people who really know me. There’s my best friend, Mandy; I can tell her anything without being judged. There’s Jason Earles, who’s on my show—he’s like a big brother to me. There’s my big sister, Brandi. And the best thing that’s happened to me in a long, long time has been meeting Justin [Gaston], because he’s the most respectful and selfless person I’ve ever known.
GLAMOUR: How did you [and Justin] meet?
MC: My dad introduced us on the Hannah Montana set. I looked so bad that day. I was wearing sweats and glasses and we talked. Then he showed up the next day and said, “I can’t stop thinking about you. Can I take you to a movie?” When he took me home, I said, “I don’t want to get close to you, because I don’t know where this is going to go.” And he said, “Well, you can’t live like that.” So we took a three-mile walk, and talked and talked. And I felt 10 pounds lifting from my shoulders. Now he’s my best friend.
GLAMOUR: This year there were pictures that came out that made you look racist. What do you say to people who were offended by that?
MC: I regret what it became. I was embarrassed and I apologized. And I am sorry. I am going to be more careful in the future, but I know this won’t be the last mistake I make. The minute I stop making mistakes is the minute I stop learning.
GLAMOUR: Who are some of your role models in Hollywood?
MC: This is actually funny. I’m a huge Jennifer Aniston fan and a huge Angelina Jolie fan. Jennifer Aniston can put on a plain black dress, with plain makeup and hair, and look so stunning. Angelina always looks so comfortable in her own skin: At a premiere she was wearing a pantsuit—what woman throws that on and looks smoking hot? She’s also changed every couple of years, going from wild child to being a mom and having a normal life. And Jennifer Aniston bounced back after her divorce. She could have gone crazy with so many different guys, but she didn’t. If anything like that ever happens to me, I’m like, Pull a Jennifer, Miley! She is so classy.
Read the full article HERE and be sure to pick up a copy!