Jonas Brothers Favorite Music Group at KCAs


-The Jonas Brothers were big winners at the 2009 Kids Choice Awards. The brothers took home the award for Favorite Music Group and later took the stage to perform “SOS” and “Burnin’ Up.” Then they closed the show by getting slimed with host Dwayne Johnson. They updated their myspace blog:

Category: Music
Hey everyone!

Thank you for voting so much and giving us the Best Group Award (BLIMP) at the 2009 Kids Choice Awards. You are so awesome and mean so much to us. Thank you….

Also, thank you for making our 2009 World Tour ticket on sale a big success. You are amazing! We do not take it for granted that you sacrifice and give so much. We hope to make this a concert experience you will never forget!!!!

About to leave for the Honor Society, Alana Grace and KSM concert at the House of Blues in LA. Hope we see you there.

Love always,

Kevin, Joe and Nick

KCA Acceptance speech and performances inside…