-It looks like more info about the sequel to “Hairspray” has come out. The sequel will be titled, “Hairspray 2: White Lipstick.” As previously reported, Zac Efron’s character was heading in the direction of drug use. Here’s what Adam Shankman had to say about it to MTV.com:
Shankman admitted that while Waters does indeed want squeaky-clean Zac Efron to take acid (“or something like that”), the director will likely yank out that controversial story detail before they go to script. “I think that’s probably part of the treatment that won’t get used. And in the treatment, [Efron’s drug use] is an accident,” he said, explaining that he also won’t be asking the “High School Musical” star to have trippy conversations with the acne on his forehead. “That’s the kind of stuff where you’re like: ‘Yeah, I don’t know if that’s going to work.’”
It seems like Michelle Pfeiffer and Brittany Snow’s characters may not return, not because of the actresses but because of the storylines. The Vietnam War will also be in the backdrop of the movie, but don’t worry Zac fans, Link Larkin won’t be drafted:
“Although it is known that the film will use the Vietnam War as a backdrop, it’s not Zac Efron’s Link Larkin who’ll be drafted.
“No, it wasn’t Zac,” Shankman said, before catching himself. “Wow, you’re getting a lot out of me for something I said I wouldn’t talk about.””
Read the full article HERE.