–Honor Society has updated their myspace blog. Check it out below. Expect to see a lot more of them in 2009!
2008 is definitely a year we will never forget.
We were blessed to be able to do what we love and to share it with all of you!One thing we want our fans to know is that we love each and every one of you. From the handful of you that used to come and see us play at Olive’s every week, to the thousand’s of you that we’ve recently met and had the pleasure of playing for over the last month and a half. We are so grateful to all of you for giving us a chance and listening to what we have to say through our music.
We’ve had so much fun with you guys, from releasing our EP, to hanging with you all at Six Flags, to our house-party tour, to our Knitting Factory shows you all have a very special place in our memories of this past year.
We saw a lot of dreams come true as well and we have some people to thank. God for blessing us every day with life and our talents. Our families for believing in us and sticking by us even when they were the ONLY people in the audience. Our street team leaders, Kat & Rebecca for working so hard to promote us, all our state street teams for your hard work as well.
This blog would not be complete without thanking some of the new friends and partners in our lives. A huge thank you to Nick, Joe, Kevin, and the entire Jonas Team for helping make our dreams come true as well as being great friends.
We always like to keep good on our word and we promised you a big 2008, and we’re pretty sure we made good on that promise. So read it here first: 2009 is going to be huge.
We are ready to give you all the bigger and better HONOR SOCIETY that you all deserve so stay tuned for big news coming soon!!”We love you,
Your year round romance,
The Gentlemen of HONOR SOCIETY