Jonas Brothers To Rock AMA’s & Free Show


-The Jonas Brothers take a break from rehearsing at the American Music Awards Saturday to smile for a picture. They will perform their new single, “Tonight” and after the show they will put on a free show! Want to know where it is? Here’s the info (Times are PST):

Hello Everyone,

We are having a FREE ACOUS​TIC SHOW TODAY​ (​​SUNDA​Y)​​ follo​wing the Ameri​can Music​ Award​s.​​

We want to show our THANK​S to our FANS for being​ THE BEST FANS IN THE WORLD​!​​

Jonas Brothers at House Of Blues TONIGHT! Sunday November 23rd, 2008
Doors are at 8:00 and the show starts at 9:00

The first 400 individuals at our box office at 3 PM will receive a PAIR of tickets good for GA admission to the DOWNSTAIRS ONLY

The Tickets are FREE

Our box office is at the club : 8430 Sunset Blvd, West Hollywood 9006
Hope to see you there.

The boys also attended the Silverspoon Gift Lounge and left a message on their SayNow! Tune in tonight at 8/7c on ABC to see if they take home the award for T-Mobile Breakthrough Artist. You still have time to vote at