More of Zac in EW


-Check out a few more pics from Zac Efron’s Entertainment Weekly photoshoot. Be sure to pick up a copy on newsstands now! Here’s a few Zac quotes from EW:

”I personally don’t find my own life that interesting. I think the acting side of it is interesting, my job is very interesting, and I’d love for people to know about it. But as soon as it spills into your personal life, it feels like it’s out of your control.”

”The hardest thing about being young and being in the business is there’s no guideline, there’s no road map that you can follow. You’re forced to adapt and learn to make your own decisions at a very young age, and if you don’t, that’s where you can mess up.”

”I don’t see the value of doing something dark just for the sake of doing something dark. If it was a cool story, if I was presented a great script, a great potential project that had a dark theme or motif, I think that would be really fun.”
