-Miley Cyrus was seen attending the Pussycat Dolls’ concert on Tuesday night with model Justin Gaston. The next day they were seen at Universal Studios with the rest of the Cyrus Clan. There are also tabloid reports going around saying that Miley has reportedly been diagnosed with a vocal cord nodule and the small bump, which is caused by continuous strain of her voice, could be the beginning of the end for Miley’s singing career.
According to Star Magazine “Miley’s voice started getting really horse in late August, and she was having troublee hittinghigh notes that she could hit before. Her concerned parents took her to a doctor, who diagnosed the beginning stages of the nodule. That’s obviously not good news, especially since she’s so young.”
Read more HERE.
Miley is still set to perform at the MGM Grand at Foxwoods on Saturday. Do you think the rumors are true? Check out pics and videos of Miley out and about below.