-“The Suite Life on Deck,” the spin-off of “The Suite Life of Zack & Cody” will debut on Friday, September 26 at 8pm EST. The series stars Cole & Dylan Sprouse, Brenda Song and Phill Lewis and introduces 15-year-old actress Debby Ryan. She will also be featured in a series of video blogs debuting Friday, August 29 (7:55 p.m., ET/PT) on Disney Channel. Here’s the description of the show:
The new series finds Zack and Cody aboard the SS Tipton, a luxury passenger cruise liner owned by London’s father. The ship cruises the world with tourists and students who attend classes at Seven Seas High, the one high school that London’s dad thinks will make his daughter a better student. While out at sea, Zack and Cody still have their compass pointed towards mischief, and London learns to live a “fabu-less” lifestyle, including sharing a small room with Bailey, a country girl from Kansas.
-A new episode of “The Suite Life of Zack & Cody” will air on Saturday, Aug. 9 at 8:30pm EST. The episode will guest star R&B sensation Chris Brown and the Cheetah Girls.
–Disneychannel.com will debut two exclusive episodes of “Jonas Brothers: Living the Dream” on Sunday, July 27 and Saturday, August 23. Each episode will be available online for three months, where viewers will be able to download buddy icons, wall paper and view images. Here’s the episode descriptions:
In the episode entitled “Fashion Rocks,” premiering SUNDAY, JULY 27, the brothers make wardrobe choices for on and off stage. Nick explains his preference for the gentlemanly tie and jacket look, Kevin’s for the equestrian, old-school proper style and Joe’s for the classic rock look with a twist of high-end fashion.
In the episode entitled “Cool to Be Different,” debuting SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, viewers learn more about each brother and why Kevin is known as the responsible one, Joe as the class clown and Nick as the perfectionist.