-Ryan Cabrera will be on the air with Ryan Seacrest on Wednesday, April 30 at 8:30am. For more info, go here.
-Sorry for the lack of updates, but we have decided to not post anything in regards to the Miley Vanity Fair photoshoot, seeing as how it’s been covered on every other news outlet.
-Don’t forget to check out all the new Official Jonas Brothers merchandise that is available at jonasbrothersmerch.com. There are earrings, bracelets, sweatbands, a Poned Ring, and more! Plus preorder the CD from the Merch site and you’re entered to win a Gold Album Plaque when the new CD goes gold!

–Popstar! Magazine has announced there will be a Limited Edition cover and Gigantic Poster of the June ’08 Jonas Brothers Special Issue that will ONLY be available in Limited Too stores. Also check out Popstar!’s latest blog to check out one of the articles in the magazine, which they posted because some issues might have print errors. Check it out HERE and leave a comment there for your chance to win a free copy.

-The album artwork for Vanessa Hudgen’s upcoming release, “Identified” has been released. What do you think of the cover?