Edit: Thanks to Kelsey for letting me now that Jesse’s new video will premiere next week on TRL…She believes they said thursday and he’s also dropping by the TRL studios…so be sure to tune in. And his album release date is Sept 19, not the 12th. Anyway, I added HQ versions of the Cover and the Cover picture to the gallery. Also added more pics from the HSM Newsweek Photoshoot (under misc. events, hsm cast) and scans from that issue of newsweek. Also added one photoshoot outtake of the jB!

-We will have EXCLUSIVE interviews with newcomer Chris Koon and Mitchel Musso coming soon!!
-The new season of MTV Cribs premieres Monday night at 10:30pm EST. edit I just saw another preview for cribs, and now i have no idea who is in the premiere episode. hopefully they’ll tell us before monday. Be sure to stay tuned to this season of Cribs, because Aly & AJ have filmed an episode as well…don’t have an air date for that but be sure to see if there’s a preview of the upcoming season…there usually is after the first episode.
-Ashley Tisdale, Lucas Grabeel, Bart Johnson and Alyson Reed from HSM will be hosting the Disney Teacher Awards on Aug. 1st! Our buddy Raul will be covering that event and there will also be a live webcast at http://www.disneyteacherawards.com starting at 7pm PT/10PM EST on that day.
-For Raviv Ullman fans, if you don’t know what the “Boat Song” is or who the Webee Boyz are, search for “Boat Song” on youtube and you’ll see it. Anyway, the Webee Boyz is Raviv’s side project with his buddy Adam and they’re a rap group. The content of their work may not be suitable for those under say, 16, but because Raviv is featured here, we will keep you updated with his happenings. He attended Comic Con last Saturday to preview “Driftwood.” And the Webee Boyz have an Official Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/webeeboys and an Official Myspace Group: http://groups.myspace.com/webeeinc. Be sure to join the group and you’ll get exclusive pics and updates on the Boyz.
-The Jonas Brother’s CD release party is August 8 at Planet Hollywood in NYC…if you’re in the area, check it out. It’s free, but it’s first come first serve, so be there early.
-Also, the JB’s cd “It’s About Time” and Aly & AJ’s “Into the Rush” deluxe edition both drop on August 8th. You can preorder both now. I believe the boys are still putting out a Dual Disc version, so pick up that one and the ITR deluxe for cool DVD extras.
-And be sure to check out these cool artists/bands on myspace:
Rachel Perry
Jesse Labelle
The Little Women Band
The Sansaysas