More Goodies…


-Check out the previous post for youtube links, pics of mcfly, a hot photoshoot of Jesse, etc.
-Don’t forget the special airing of High School Musical tomorrow night!
-Also, I’m thinking of making a forum, but I wanted to know if that is something you guys would like? If not, I won’t put one up. Let me know your thoughts.
-Also, we now have a guestbook: Sign it!
-Added lots of scans.

Ashley Tisdale & Mitchel Musso in Girls Life

Sept. Issue of Bop (Including scans of the big posters)

August Issue of Teen Dream (minus a few posters)

-Ashley Tisdale’s Official Site,, has a new look! Go check that out!
-I’m working on scanning the July & Aug. Issues of Tiger Beat and finishing the posters in Teen Dream.

ALSO READ:  Jesse & Astro Girl