Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt Want to Know What You’re Doing New Year’s Eve (Video)


What are you doing New Year’s Eve? The adorable Zooey Deschanel and her (500) Days of Summer co-star Joseph Gordon-Levitt want to know!

The two reunited for a special version of video chat karoake for Zooey’s site hellogiggles. Zooey writes, “I have known Joe Gordon-Levitt for going on 12 years. We first met in the summer of 2000 while doing a tiny movie called Manic, where we bonded over a mutual appreciation for Harry Nilsson and Nina Simone and I have been lucky enough to call him one of my dearest friends ever since.

“When we did 500 Days of Summer 8 years later, we spent every lunch hour dancing to Marvin Gaye in the hair and make up trailer; we had loads of fun. I hope to do a thousand more movies with him because he’s simply the best. But in the meantime, we made a little New Year’s duet for all of you! The original by Nancy Wilson. ENJOY!”

We absolutely love their duet. Can we please get those two in another movie together pronto?! They were so great together in Manic (great movie btw) & 500 Days.